Saturday, October 5, 2013

one month, many names

in the past 5.5 months, i've lost 25 pounds.
this past month however, i reached a plateau. i am in a routine of knowing the foods i should eat at certain times of the day and so that's what i do. however, with that routine, i've maintained my weight... even though continued weightloss, toning, and strength-building are my goals. so i'm switching things up!

this month, i've made some dedications:
... to eat no foods with added sugar
... to try several new green smoothies
... to complete a 30-day bodyweight circuit challenge
... to run more miles than i did last month
(which shouldn't be hard because i ran 8 miles total for the month. ha.)

so, october... rawktober... rocktober... whichever!
one month, many names, one goal!

4 days in and i've lost 3 pounds.
i have tired legs and triceps and stomach muscles... this is working!
and i'm excited :)

here's to the next 26 days!